With Apologies to Jeff Foxworthy...
We've discussed Marc Prensky's concept of digital natives and digital immigrants and a few examples of how a digital accent manifests itself. Now it's your turn.
Talk with two or three of your colleagues to identify three examples of a digital accent. Post your ideas as comments to this message.
Talk with two or three of your colleagues to identify three examples of a digital accent. Post your ideas as comments to this message.
1) Still capitalize the first letter of a sentence.
2) Double space after end of a sentence.
3) Still typing out phrases instead of text shortcuts like BTW
Anonymous, at 2:20 PM
printing email to read them
printing and writing on an outlook calendar, then returning and inputing the dates
buying a new printer when the "out-of-ink" comes on
ppt as an overhead transperancy
printing out the web version of the newspaper to read it
Anonymous, at 2:20 PM
If you write out your email on a piece of paper before typing it on your computer, you're a digital immigrant.
Anonymous, at 2:20 PM
- people who print their email and file it for back up
- Sending a paper copy of an originally electronic document for posting on the web
- double clicking internet links
Anonymous, at 2:22 PM
Think LOL is a competitor to AOL
Anonymous, at 2:23 PM
Printing out emails and filing them
Having your secretary send emails for you or print them out for you
Passing on Internet hoaxes and/or believing them
Believing and clicking on "pop-up" ads
Anonymous, at 2:23 PM
L and G say you are a digital immigrant when you don't know how to change the ring on your cell phone.
Anonymous, at 9:19 AM
- I don't use an address book, except via hard copy, though I use a network based calendar and probably other tools that would allow me to keep a digital address book.
- We don't even have a cordless phone at our home, let alone a cell phone.
Anonymous, at 9:19 AM
L & G say you are a digital immigrate if you don't know how to delete a picture off your digital camera smart card
Anonymous, at 9:20 AM
You're a digital immigrant if you print out your Groupwise daily schedule and tasks for reference.
Anonymous, at 9:21 AM
D & T are finally getting the hang of this...
Anonymous, at 9:22 AM
I am a digital immigrant. I make a calendar (hard copy) which I update once a week so that I can carry it around. This is out of fear that information saved on an electronic calendar may 'get lost.'
Question: Does the accent become more noticable with age?
Anonymous, at 9:23 AM
You might have a digital accent if....
Every picture you've ever taken is still being held captive inside your digital camera.
Anonymous, at 9:32 AM
You might have a digital accent if....
you still think a blog is some type of stomach flu.
Anonymous, at 9:45 AM
You might have a digital accent if....
You teach your students to always use spell check but still give a weekly spelling test on Fridays.
You might have a digital accent if....
you go to the bank in person to transfer money from savings to checking.
Anonymous, at 9:53 AM
I suppose it is a step in the right direction to be aware of my accent when I use technology, accept it, and continue to be part of the "conversation." R.I.
Anonymous, at 9:54 AM
I am digital immigrant with accents of keeping both a hard copy of calendar and an electronic copy, and printing hard copies of emails and filing them.
Anonymous, at 10:50 AM
You might have a digital accent if...
You back up everything to disc for fear of losing info
You might have a digital accent if.....
You don't own a digital camera
Anonymous, at 10:52 AM
What I find useful I do all the time, but I have blind spots for PDAs, setting up websites, electronic calendars, etc. I admit to asking my children to program the VCR, cell phone. I know that I don't use all of the technology potential in any of these items and can be resistant to learn.
Anonymous, at 10:53 AM
You might have a digital accent if...
You don't know that CTRL-ALT-DEL unlocks your computer.
Anonymous, at 2:12 PM
excessive and uneccesary printing of informational emails.
Anonymous, at 2:12 PM
You might have a digtal accent if...
You manually type in the web address everytime you visit your favorite webpage.
You use the same password for ALL of your password sensitive accounts.
You are afraid to shop online.
Anonymous, at 2:13 PM
an instructor who doesn't necessarily buy in to Prensky's theory that all learning should take place in the form of games
Anonymous, at 2:13 PM
You might have a digital accent if...
You send "forwards".
Anonymous, at 2:13 PM
I let someone else program my cell phone, I like to print out emails to keep a paper copy when they are important, I still occasionally erase pictures from my digital camera that I thought were downloaded on my computer that I can never find again.
Anonymous, at 2:14 PM
You know you are (or work with) a digital immigrant if you have to call the entire school to let them know you just sent off an important email.
Anonymous, at 2:14 PM
You might be a digital immigrant if....
omg! are you using aol im,msn, or yahoo??? lol!!!
:) ttyl :(
Anonymous, at 2:14 PM
don't know how to copy a DVD
Anonymous, at 2:14 PM
You might have a digital accent if...
You don't know how to send or open an attachment.
Anonymous, at 2:14 PM
You may be a digital immigrant if you post student homework but don't post the results of their work for paents to review
Anonymous, at 2:14 PM
I'm sending you a voice mail and an email of the same thing.
Anonymous, at 2:14 PM
People who carry a beeper and a cell phone
Anonymous, at 2:15 PM
You know you're a digital immigrant when...
*you don't know if there's a difference between uploading and downloading.
*you can't find where you saved your documents.
*you still double space after periods.
Anonymous, at 2:15 PM
You might have a digital accent if...
You still use Excel as a database.
Anonymous, at 2:15 PM
In regards to digital accents:
1. Teachers that email their reports cards to be printed and then need to call to confirm they have arrived or worse yet they send them off two or three times!
2. You call the tech person to fix your document presentor and it turns out that it isn't plugged in!
Anonymous, at 2:15 PM
You confuse online with email
Anonymous, at 2:15 PM
receiving a phone call to remind me of what the email sent to me earlier in the day said
Anonymous, at 2:15 PM
You may be a digital immigrant if you try to teach students how to use some software but don't know how to use it yourself.
Anonymous, at 2:15 PM
use an ipod and download music
Anonymous, at 2:16 PM
You think a hard-drive is when traffic is bad on I-5
You think you should see a chiropractor because you have a floppy disc
Anonymous, at 2:16 PM
You still require "Rough Drafts" to be written with paper and pencil.
Anonymous, at 2:16 PM
"Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons."
--Popular Mechanics, forecasting the relentless march of science, 1949.
Anonymous, at 2:17 PM
You might be a digital immigrant if...
you have to print out all of you e-mail before you can reply
you need to make a hard copy of reports to edit on
you think a mouse is a small creature that eats cheese
your equipment isn't working because the power isn't on
you use a digital camera to take pictures and then don't know what to do with them
Anonymous, at 2:17 PM
You might have a digital accent if you think ;) means someone is a really bad typist.
Anonymous, at 2:17 PM
use chat rooms and instant messaging
Anonymous, at 2:18 PM
you think the only way to keyboard is by having your fingers rest on the home row
Anonymous, at 2:18 PM
You might have a digital accent if...
You ask' "What's the email address for e-cards@edmonds.wednet.edu"
Anonymous, at 2:18 PM
You might be a digital immigrant if:
*You still use an AM radio for a room heater
*You think IM is a poorly formed contraction
*You think a digital watch is the devil's tool
Anonymous, at 2:18 PM
I can't play a video game without a joystick.
Some of us who are considered techies in our school environments still do not have cell phones, cable TV, or even the Internet at home. Very much to the chagrin of our colleagues!
Anonymous, at 2:18 PM
If we keep doing what we're doing, we're going to keep getting what we're getting.
- Stephen Covey, First Things First
Anonymous, at 2:19 PM
You use the word album.
You dial your cellphone with your fingers.
You don't know how to make a smileyface in an e-mail.
You print your e-mails.
You write rough drafts on paper.
You can sit alone without listening to music on headphones.
You actually buy CDs, at a store!
You know what a modem is and what it sounds like.
You bake cookies and eat spam.
You have never played a game with someone in Korea while not in Korea.
You think that people are rude if they do something else while you are talking to them.
Anonymous, at 2:20 PM
You may be a digital immigrant if you try to teach students how to use some software but don't know how to use it yourself.
Anonymous, at 2:20 PM
You use the word album.
You dial your cellphone with your fingers.
You don't know how to make a smileyface in an e-mail.
You print your e-mails.
You write rough drafts on paper.
You can sit alone without listening to music on headphones.
You actually buy CDs, at a store!
You know what a modem is and what it sounds like.
You bake cookies and eat spam.
You have never played a game with someone in Korea while not in Korea.
You think that people are rude if they do something else while you are talking to them.
Anonymous, at 2:20 PM
i don't understand the comment about chat rooms and IMs???
Anonymous, at 2:20 PM
You know you're a digital immigrant if you send the same message twice!
Anonymous, at 2:24 PM
a CD is an album.....a collection of songs, a record on the other hand is a collectors item and a piece of plastic, it is the contents that make it an album, not the media
Anonymous, at 2:24 PM
If you say, "I don't do Windows" and you aren't applying for a housekeeping position.
Anonymous, at 2:26 PM
The only apple you know is packed in your lunchbox.
Anonymous, at 2:27 PM
You think Bill Gates is the guy who built your fence.
Anonymous, at 2:28 PM
...someone tells you to reboot, and you change your shoes.
Anonymous, at 2:29 PM
I am curious if you all think the "digitalese" our students speak should be encouraged or discouraged? I cannot tell you how many formal essays and letters I have received from students (and parents) with sentences like...
"I am looking forward to working with u."
Are we to support this language? Is it outdated to expect formal usage? Does that expectation make me a digital dinosuar?
Anonymous, at 2:31 PM
I do not have a cell phone. If I did I would forget to take it to the movies with me so I can talk to a friend during the ads and previews or to a restrurant if I am eating alone and want some company or to the grocery store so I can communicate the price and condition of the artichokes or to the park so I can chat while walking around Greenlake or to the airport so I can stand by the curb and call thus guiding my ride to the curb at the exact moment they are needed and saving them a ticket if they park and wait for me. Cell Phones have eliminated the lonely person - unless you have no one to call!
Anonymous, at 2:31 PM
susan said "every teacher has to have a website"
Anonymous, at 2:36 PM
You are a digital immigrant if you refer to your pda as a gameboy.
Anonymous, at 2:51 PM
thinking that e-mail is an empty mail box.
Anonymous, at 2:52 PM
I hate haing to go to the bottom of the page to see what to do. Directions should be at the top!
Anonymous, at 2:52 PM
Digital dialect:
Teachers keep asking me to "download" a program, meaning they want me to install a program on their computers.
Anonymous, at 2:54 PM
I have to print my Word documents and hold them in my hand to proof my work.
Anonymous, at 2:54 PM
You might me a digital imigrant if you don't know the meaning of the word "blog", have your secretary print your email messages for you, your idea of using technology is playing solitaire on your computer, have your children program your VCR or program your computer to prevent pop-ups, totally trust the spell check on your word processor.
Anonymous, at 2:54 PM
You're probably a digital immigrant if you think the cookie stored in your computer might be a chocolate chip one.
Anonymous, at 2:55 PM
You cannot find a file you just saved.
You cannot find an email you just sent.
You print your ebook texts for college courses.
Anonymous, at 2:59 PM
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