Workshop Blogging

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Purpose of this Blog

I've been playing around with blogs for several months, exploring ways that K-12 administrators could use blogs as tools for communication with staff, students, and the greater school community. One thing I've tried with great success is using blog entries during brainstorming sessions in meetings and/or professional development workshops.

This blog is designed to be used solely for this purpose. So, postings will be infrequent. However, when they are made, the comments will provide an archive for later reference.


  • I maintain a dual "to do list". One is on a yellow pad and the other one is on my computer. BP

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:20 AM  

  • Examples of having a digital accent:

    Wanting the efficiency and control of ommunication, but still wishing for tone of voice, body language, etc.

    Using only those programs that I typically use, not exploring other unknown options.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:23 AM  

  • When do we start assuming everyone speak the language? What do we do with Grandma in the corner who has lived in the land for forty years and still speaks only Italian?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:24 AM  

  • Examples of having a digital accent:

    1. Being clueless about the blog sites that students are using to post derogatory comments or pictures of other students

    2. Printing out hard copies of agendas I have e-mailed to others

    3. Not knowing the "lingo" for text messaging

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:24 AM  

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